What to Support

The Annual Fund
The Annual Fund is a vital source of funds generously contributed by dedicated alumni, faculty, and friends of the College of Dental Medicine. The College depends upon the Annual Fund to meet its most compelling needs and initiatives. Gifts to the Annual Fund can be unrestricted or earmarked toward a particular fund or specialty program.
Make a Gift to the Annual Fund Online Now
Scholarship Fund
A donation to the Scholarship Fund will help students pursue their passion for dental medicine at one of the top dental schools in the country. Choose Scholarship Fund from the menu in the online form.
Make a Gift to the Scholarship Fund Online Now
Funds In Honor/In Memory of Current or Past Faculty Members
You can direct your gift to support funds established in honor/in memory of current or past faculty members including:
Albert J. Thompson, DDS Scholarship Fund
Provides financial aid for pre-doctoral students underrepresented in dentistry.
Dr. Dennis Lee Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to pre-doctoral dental students interested in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Gunnar Hasselgren, D.D.S., Ph.D. Postdoctoral Student Research Fund in Endodontics
Provides funding for post-doctoral student research, academic projects and related expenses of post-doctoral students in the Division of Endodontics.
Dr. Irwin D. Mandel Research Fund
Provides support for pre-doctoral students doing research in the Summer Research Fellowship Program.
Dr. James E. McIntosh Scholarship Fund
Provides financial aid for those post-doctoral students underrepresented in dentistry.
Louis Mandel, D.D.S. Fund
Provides research support, other than salaries, for pre-doctoral students, residents, and faculty early in their career in the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Martin J. Davis, D.D.S. Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships for students in their 4th year of predoctoral training, based on need or merit.
Melvin Moss, D.D.S. ’46 Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to one or more students enrolled in CDM, who are preparing for a career in academics.
Dr. Murray Schwartz Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to Division of Periodontics post-doctoral residents on the basis of academic merit.
Stanislaw H. Brzustowicz, DDS Memorial Scholarship Fund
Provides need-based scholarship support for students enrolled at CDM.
Dr. Thomas Cangialosi Fund
Provides scholarships to Division of Orthodontics post-doctoral students.
To dedicate your gift, please choose your fund from the menu in the online giving form.
Make a Gift In Honor/In Memory of Current or Past Faculty Members Online Now
Divisional Funds
You can direct your gift to support the specialty program of your choice:
- Endodontics
- General Practice Residency Program
- Operative Dentistry
- Oral Pathology
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthodontics
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Periodontics
- Prosthodontics
To dedicate your gift to a particular division, please choose your fund from the menu in the online giving form.
Make a Gift to a Divisional Fund Online Now
Contact Information
For information please contact:
Geraldine Connors
Sr. Director of Development