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Columbia Alumni Community

The Columbia Alumni Community portal provides a way for you to stay connected with the College of Dental Medicine and communicate with your classmates and other alumni across schools. You can search the directory, send a message, update your profile, join or start a discussion group, and much, much more!

Join the conversation by logging into the Alumni Community. You'll need your Columbia ID or UNI to log in. All Alumni have a UNI assigned to them; if you don't know yours, find it here.

Alumni Directory

Search the Alumni Directory to find and connect with alumni in your profession, year, or region and build a professional network.

Access the Directory

Discussion Groups

Begin a discussion on a topic that interests you or join an existing discussion.

Join or Start a Group

Update Your Profile

Create your online profile and customize your privacy settings. Share your achievements and help your classmates find you.

Update your Profile

Class Notes

Share your professional and personal news and discover what your classmates are sharing by visiting class notes.

View Your Class Notes

Make a Difference

Your gift is critical to our continued ability to stay at the forefront of dental education, research, and clinical care.

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