Student Government

The Student Government Association (SGA) is the overarching body for all College of Dental Medicine student clubs, as well as the governing body for Student Class Council (each classes’ elected officers). Students are encouraged to be active in SGA. The College of Dental Medicine  is an auto-enroll school for the American Student Dental Association; a part of your annual student activity fees go towards ASDA membership dues. All predoctoral CDM students are members of ASDA. ASDA focuses on organized dentistry and offers students many opportunities to become involved at national and local levels. The Student Government Association plans many school-wide events and provides support to the student clubs and class councils.

Student Government Officers

President Samah Malik sm5072 2025
Vice President Aryas Safaie aks2273 2026
Secretary Albert Wang alw2237 2026
Treasurer Kunaal Edekar kse2107 2026
Editor-in-Chief Ann Hoang lph2124 2026

University Senate CDM Student Representative

Aarsh Ray apr2166 2027


Office Name Uni Class
President Ga Young (Genesis) Seo gs3199 2026
Vice Presidents Kunaal Edeker kse2107 2026
  Matthew Yee jmy2783 2026
Treasurer Rong (Isabel) Ji  rj2653 2026
Secretary Harsh Chheda hpc2113 2027
Editor-in-Chief Alina Naqvi  aan2160 2026

Officers of the Class of 2025

Office Name Uni
President Neil Ming rm3420
Vice President Cameron Callahan crc2209
Treasurer Drew Bott ajb2326
Secretary Fara Omilabu mno2109
SPEA/Ethics  Tamara Hoffman (Kahn) trk2126
ADEA/Curriculum Samuel Cox soc2110
ASDA Brynn Gwartzman blg2141
Infection Control/Prevention Michael Levit (Misha) mml2239
Yearbook Derek Lee dcl2153
  Shriya Jain srj2134
Clinic Operations Nikki Wei yw3693
Webmaster Alan Mograby am5647
Social Chairs Kayla Gorelick kag2208
  Shreya Misra sm5075
Philanthropy Sophie Gysling sjg2211
  Caroline Hegemann cfh2128
Class Reps Abenezer (AB) Abera awa2123
  Hakyoung (Kathleen) Kim hk3158
  Leib Wiener lyw2103
Financial Aid  Alex Krause ank2171
Diversity Representative Shari Kumar slk2186

Officers of the Class of 2026

Office Name Uni
President Bessie Stamm bcs2152
Vice President Matthew Yee my2783
Treasurer Gursimran Grewal gsg2138
Secretary Linda Ali la2951
SPEA/Ethics Karen Benloulou kl3320
ADEA/Curriculum Lena Yoon lsy2111
ASDA Marcela Sordo mms2363
Infection Control Jalen Jefferson jdj2140
Yearbook Akasha Sammi Imtiaz ai2537
  Alina Naqvi aan2160
Clinic Operations Kathryn Armstrong kja2146
Webmaster Laura Babiceanu lab2287
Social chairs Chance Johnson cj2470
  Vikram Venkataraman vv2353
Philanthropy Jason Luong jkl2190
  Sahar Oliaei sao2149
Class Reps Jessica Hui jh4540
  Ga Young (Genesis) Seo gs3199
  Micole Zeidman mz2578
Financial Aid Kimia Tavakoly kt2885
Diversity Representative Roxana Martinez Bermejo rm3935

Officers of the Class of 2027

Office Name Uni
President Lorenzo Martinez lm3680
Vice President Kayla Thomsen ket2145
Treasurer George Haggar gh2443
Secretary Harsh Chheda hpc2113
SPEA/Ethics Lauren Monette lem2241
ADEA/Curriculum Vivek Khatri vnk2109
ASDA Ruotong Wang rw2994
Instrument Rep/Infection Control Nik Christoffel nlc2142
Yearbook Lawrence Bossong lab2293
  Poorvaja Kolli pk2782
Clinic Operations Katherine Lee ksl2150
Webmaster John (Jack) Eppolito jae2193
Social Chairs Winston Hewes wch2122
  Alexa Rothschild arr2243
Philanthropy Yashica Kagithapu yk3025
  Emily Kanellos ezk2103
Class Reps Cade Call cmc2434
  Cassidy Kramer cmk2235
  Hui Lin Pan hp2654
Financial Aid Elizabeth Gershater eg3259
Diversity Representative Jessica Chen jyc2177